-Get up 9amish
-Don't get dressed...stay in pyjamas
-Let the dog outside
-Eat cereal
-Peruse/apply for various jobs with assorted job banks for positions I "should" be qualified for
-Get sidetracked by hockey chat boards
-Peruse/apply for various jobs with assorted job banks for positions I "should" be qualified for
-Get "gassed" by the dog
-Let the dog outside
-Check email for any job responses
-Peruse/apply for various jobs with craigslist ads for positions I "should" be qualified for
-Eat grill cheese or just toast for lunch
-Let the dog outside
-receive a call from Christian/Kahuna/Creditor
-pace for 10 minutes
-Let the dog outside
-Check email for any job responses
-Do the dishes
-Get "gassed" by the dog
Is this the life of a ______________________ ?
you know, you might want to try actually taking the dog for a walk... fresh air can really help rejuvenate (and will save you from being gassed too often).